my honeymoon on Getaway Blog

I’m so excited to have my second travel story published on Getaway Blog! If you haven’t read it yet, click here.  It’s all about Saint Lucia and the fun stuff we got up to there on our honeymoon.  I will take this opportunity to thank my husband (and myself) for being hyperactive little explorers and making an active mission to leave our hotel whilst in the Caribbean – otherwise I’d have had nothing to write about! Check it out:

942542_10152869655840511_2003138800_n-595x445Yea, I took this photo.  I’m pretty proud of it.  :)

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to my husband-to-be

Last night I realised, in an all-of-a-sudden-oh-my-gawd moment, that I am about to be married.  To another human being.  For the rest of my life.  My ID number is in his passport already, the pre-nup is about to be signed, the honeymoon is booked and peeps are beginning to make their way to our home from all over the world.  Yep, it’s happening.  And you know what? I can’t wait.  I can’t wait to walk down that aisle with my hop-on-pops, my mommy and my bridesbiatches; I can’t wait to tell the love of my life that I will cherish and honour him all the days of my life; I can’t wait to kiss him hard in front of all our loved ones; and I can’t wait to party the night away with my new husband and all the special people in my life.  I can’t wait to be Mrs Bainborough. And you know why?  Because I’m marrying the coolest, funniest, most loving, and adventurous man on the planet.  A man who took me to uShaka on Wednesday and made me go on slides and run around in my costume like a little kid again, because I “needed to have some fun”.  A man who told me how hot I looked in my old, full school costume while lithe sixteen-year-olds were strutting their stuff all around us in bikini’s and belly rings.  A man who treated me to oysters (my favourite) if I’d go down the scary slide with him.  A man who told me this morning when I got back home from my early morning run, all red and sweaty (the wedding dress debacle), that I was beautiful and pulled me in for a cuddle, despite my protesting sweatiness, because he wanted to give me a hug.  Now that is true love.

Yes, I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Andrew Bainborough.

P.S:  Run now – this is your last chance ;)

Image: source

kamersvol geskenke

My mother and I have never been afraid of a little last minute road trip adventure, with the most epic probably being back in 2001 when we convinced my dad to drive us down to Cape Town for the J&B Met weekend.  Mom on the phone to high school secretary (we were in Bloem already):  “Yes, Keri is suffering from a terrible flu, I’m keeping her in bed for the whole weekend, and possibly Monday… yes she should be back at school on Tuesday, er…. maybe Wednesday” (I have the most legendary mom, I know).  So when I called her up on Monday to see if she’d fancy a trip up to Pretoria, I knew she’d be game, especially since it meant a day of browsing through beautiful things and eating yummy food.  Yep, you guessed right, we cruised up to Pretoria in Grace-the-grey-Golf for a wondrous day of magical loveliness at Kamersvol Geskenke at Irene.  I was so excited the night before I could hardly sleep.  Call us mad, frivolous or super-cool ninja’s (personally, I’m going with ninja’s) but we left the Midlands at 3am and arrived in Pretoria at 9am – just in time to join our equally mad friend, Beetle, for breakfast before she escorted us off to Irene for the sensory overload which was the 2013 Kamersvol Gesenke.  There are no words to describe this event, and I am not one often lost for them!  It was every craftsman/design-lover/hipster’s wet dream on acid.  Thank God there was food and drink available, because I literally had to take a break every now, to rest my burning eyes, and then to refocus and give myself a pep talk.  I had to hold back.  A LOT.  This is what I purchased, in no particular order:

A bowler hat (I realized I had to up my hipster credibility as soon as I walked through the gate – them Afrikaans hispters are the hippest of ALL hipsters.  No jokes)

Kalahari-salted dark chocolate

Paper swallows

An A5 card to frame

Honey mustard glaze

A beautiful nautical striped dress from Good

Dark chocolate truffles from Honest (raw, organic, sugar and dairy free and frikkin’ DELICIOUS)

A jar of red velvet cup cake mix

A scarf  (obviously. My obsession with scarves knows no limits)

I could have purchased so much more, but I do still have a trip to CT this month.  Oh, and that little thing called Christmas.  By the way, all the above were purchased for moi.  None are Christmas prezzies for anyone else.  Sorry famdam.  But enough chit-chat, more party karate… check it out below: (PS: Some images are a little blurry.  My apologies… I was shaking in excitement)

The happy adventurers celebrating with a glass of champers :)

What a beautiful day.  Got home tired and happy at 8pm.  And then promptly scoffed all 4 Honest truffles.  Totally worth the trip.  But next year, please come to Durban, Kamersvol! Yours sincerely, Ninja Kez :)