fitty fit fit

So the big day is five weeks away (ohshitohshitohshitohshit) and operation “Bridal Body” has officially begun.  No booze.  Very little carbs. Lots of water. And chicken and fish.  No chardonnay.  I repeat, no chardonnay. Sigh.  Although I do miss my w(h)ine (can you tell?), I have come to the solution, as I did back when I did Sober September, that cutting out booze is the only way to lose weight, get motivated and stop procrastinating.  So I am replacing the glass of wine in hand with all sorts of DIY wedding stuff to sew and make.  Very clever, I know.  Hold thumbs that I manage to finish all said DIY tasks by February!  In the meantime I thought I’d share my epic workout programme with you… hopefully it’ll get me toned and tight in time for the 16th February 2012.

phototDay 1: The workout above.  I adapted it from the workout Jessica Simpson did to get her body all lean for those Daisy Dukes… remember when she  looked like this?

Yea, me neither.  It was a while ago.  But we cannot deny that that was one fit and toned body – the result of doing something pretty similar to the workout plan above.

Day 2:  30 minute run.  Preferably outdoors, and on a dirt trail (saves the joints and the concentrating on not tripping over rocks burns extra calories… true story) – it’s so great to get out of the house for a workout.

Day 3: The 30 min Yogalosophy workout by Mandy Ingber.  I reviewed this DVD back in February 2012, and I would say I’m somewhat of an addict convert.  I know the routine off by heart and will do it least once a week, even if I’m not looking to get toned – it honestly keeps me sane!  So go out and buy it.  If you don’t have the DVD, download any 30 minute yoga workout off the net.  There are LOADS.  But Yogalosophy is the best. Just saying :)

Day 4:  30 minute run outdoors.  Repeat programme as above.

So essentially, it’s either the Yogalosophy or Daisy Duke workout every second day with a run on the days in between.  This gives your muscles a break and keeps you from getting bored of the same routine.  So far I am loving it, and as long as I keep off the bottle, I think I will be able to carry it through until the big day.  Booyah! Go me!  Feel free to come be my cheerleader.

I think I should say here that you should consult a doctor before trying this exercise programme, but no one ever does that shit anyway, so I will say this:  If you can barely crawl, don’t try running – ya know ay mean?  This is probably only for people who are rather active already.  If you are sedentary and the only workout you get is shoveling pasta into your face, then you should probably rather replace the running (treadmill and outdoor) with a brisk walk.  Also, just because you’re working out, doesn’t mean you can eat like a piggy.  Try to cut out booze and no carbs after 4pm.  Good luck!  Let me know if you join me in this workout and if you see any results!