keri’s day out

So last Friday (or was it the Friday before?) I had my first proper day off in about three and a bit weeks.  As you can imagine, I was exhausted (especially since during one of those days in one of those weeks I had jumped off a bridge high enough to – – high enough to – – no, there is no way to describe it other than HIGH ENOUGH TO KAK YOURSELF), and in need of some intense me-time.  No blogging, no working, no entertaining, no seeing of other people, but no lying on the couch either (couch surfing, essential as it is when you’re hungover, is no way to spend a good, sober, productive day off).  So I planned my day off (very loosely, of course, everything happened organically – if I changed my mind about doing something, then so be it).  You want to know what I did?  I’m lucky enough to live in the Midlands, as you all know, and equally lucky enough to live close to the village of Nottingham Road, which has so many fun, beautiful places to visit.

So I started off my day at one of my favourite haunts, Cafe Bloom.  Yep, by myself.  I took my book (The Greatness Guideread all about it here), and curled up on a sofa with a perfect cappuccino.  I then ordered the best breakfast in the world – eggs florentine with herbed cream spinach and blue cheese.  After I ate, I continued with my couch-curling and my reading.  I think I ordered another cappuccino.  I chatted to Mick Haigh, owner of Cafe Bloom, preparer of magical, healthy food and talented ceramicist.  I waved hello to a couple of locals and read some more.


After I had imprinted my body and soul onto the Cafe Bloom couch (the one closest to the fire – it’s basically mine now – if you sit in it, you owe me rent money and I will hunt you down), I wandered up the road to Fordoun Spa for a leisurely swim and a sauna.  Well, it was meant to be leisurely, but if you know me, you will know that I was pretty much a champion swimmer at junior school.  Until Olivia Price arrived from Botswana in standard four, all tanned and long-limbed with super-swimming powers – thank god she was in an older age group, allowing me to save face in the water arena (thanks Liv).  So, as you can imagine, muscle-memory kicked in and a slow couple of laps soon turned into a full-on 30 length workout – after which I almost died.  I don’t know how I used to swim laps for hours on end as a child.  No, wait I do – I was FIT.  I eventually hauled my exhausted body out the pool, fished my lungs out from the deep end with the pool net and headed over to the sauna.  I LOVE SAUNAS.  I love the heat, I love the burn, I love that feeling of being so warm, that your eyes get droopy and your body weak.  I cranked it up in there to the max. Delicious.  I eventually stumbled out a good twenty minutes later DYING OF THIRST.  But it was goooood.  Super keen to get into my swimming again.  Slicing through the still, calm, quiet water gives you a lot of time to think.  And I like thinking, cos I’m smart (or maybe you’d call it weird – whatever – tamado, tomato) and I think of freaking genius ideas and concepts while chasing the lane lines.

Fordoun Spa

Once I’d showered and dried the hair and drunk three litres of water with the lovely spa manager, Sherrilee, I was off to Knotts Salon back in town for a desperately-needed manicure.  And a sneaky foot massage – all from the beautiful, gentle Nellie.  She is the sweetest thing ever and will treat you like a princess without robbing you blind.  Seriously, super reasonable – thanks Megs for the recommendation. Give her a spin.  Next time: mani AND pedi, just in time for summer, because it is almost August which means ONE MONTH UNTIL SPRING.  I can smell the blossoms.

All relaxed, well-read, sweated out and prettied-up, I headed home to indulge in a little couch time.  It was well-earned. Can’t wait for my next day off!

I have been receiving so many emails and requests via Twitter and Facebook from people travelling up to the Midlands and asking advice on what to do and where to eat that I may be starting a little series soon on that very thing.  Keep a look out for it and let me know if you would like to get involved.

With love xxx