
We’re back home after a busy few days in Cape Town, straight into working a wedding weekend and opening the new bar at the restaurant. Cape Town was delightfully crazy as always, and we managed to fit in a lot of good family time, which is quite a remarkable achievement these days, what with siblings and cousins scattered all over the place. More on our trip and what we got up to for another post. Next week I move to part time work to spend more time on my blog and writing, which I’m quite looking forward to. I have to learn to discipline myself at home, because on a farm there are always distractions – but I have already set up some meetings for next week and so organisation is going to be key in keeping myself on track. I wish we could make office pods in the sky for freelancers. Clever genius inventor people are you listening? I just gave you a free idea. DO IT. I’ll be your first customer.

There really is not much other news from my side, it’s been one of those weeks. Last week I was spewing out posts left, right and centre. This week – downtime. Funny how things, including inspiration, come in cycles. From next week it’s back to the 5am club, yoga and running. Also, my mom brought me the groot meneer of juicers a couple of weeks ago, and I swear it would juice a new born child in five seconds flat. It is that good. Looking forward to getting on the health track for summer which is coming around at a rate of knots.

Have a great weekend everyone – if you’re in the Midlands be sure to pop into Sapore on Saturday for the opening of the new bar. Red Light Stereo are playing sets from 3pm until late, so it should be rip-roarer.


This is Andrew and I in Kalk Bay before he went to the fancy shmancy Scar to have his hair cut. (How does this happen that my husband gets to have his hair done at the best hair joint in Cape Town? I am still a little jealous.) Andrew was delighted to tell me that his stylist thought his choice of hair cut very “refreshing” in the sea of mainstream hipster hairstyles she has to do every day – you know the one she’s talking about – short sides, long front? I wonder who’s going to be the brave one to bring back the middle-path step, ala Backstreet Boys circa 1998. THAT would be so retro!

Have a good one lovelies xxx

red light stereo

I am so excited about this awesome band from Durban.  If you haven’t heard of them yet, then click here, right now to view their new single on Youtube.  Hellava catchy, if I say so myself.  Great for blasting in the car and singing to at the top of your voice.  Yep, I’ve done it. Lots of times :)

Their new single, What I’ve Become, has been playlisted on East Coast Radio, KFM and many other stations around the country.  Yesterday they were Catherine Grenfell’s treffer on The Fresh Drive Show on 5fm.  Please click here to vote for them, because the more votes they get, the more the chance of Red Light Stereo being playlisted on 5fm.  And this needs to happen why?  So that I can listen to them every day on the way to work and so can you.  Happiness all around! Do it. NOW.