a perfect weekend

Had a wonderful girl date with my friend, Jeandre. We went for a trail run on the farm and then had a lovely grilled cajun calamari and sushi dinner at Sapore.

Had a couple of gee ‘n tee’s with my main ladies Jackie Cameron and sous chef Elaine Boshoff from Hartford House.

Woke up reaaaaally late on Saturday. Remained in pj’s lolling around on the couch “watching” rugby (in other words, playing on Pinterest and writing blog posts).  That ref was kak hey, boet?

Took the dogs for a long walk in the hot weather and had a look at all our moo’s.  There are the sweetest little minky-soft calves bouncing about. Spring has certainly sprung.

Made homemade pizza (well, Andrew made, I poured the wine – as usual) on Saturday night.

Went for long run on Sunday morning.  Andrew brought out his bike, dusted it off and took it for a cycle. It appears we will be doing the picturesque 4 day cycle ride up the Transkei coast next year for my cousin’s wedding with all the le Roux family members – EXCITE!

Had a chilled braai on the lawn. Lay out a big picnic blanket and read my book in the sun while the cat and dogs clamoured over me.  Had an afternoon nap. Followed by another walk with the dogs to see the moo’s.  Got bowled over (literally) by the German Shepherd and the Labrador. I’m talking blood, grazes and grass burn. They’re in BIG trouble. The snooty cat has moved up to number 1 position in the favourite pet stakes, followed closely by the fluffy pekinese.

Wrote and wrote and read.

A perfect weekend, really.
