this year so far

As of tomorrow, it’s more than halfway through the year.  Bailey Schneider at Vanilla Blonde wrote this great post at the beginning of July, and I felt inspired to write something similar.  It really feels like time has flown by these past seven months, and that maybe not much has happened.  But sitting down and taking stock is important to help you appreciate how much you have done and accomplished and experienced and learnt.  You should do this exercise too. Let’s catch up.

So far this year I’ve:

  • resigned from my job
  • got married
  • embraced this whole “blogger” thing after I wrote this >> honesty and blogging
  • travelled in first class for the honeymoon (WOW)
  • went to the UK and saw my cousin’s beautiful home for the first time.  Also went on some kak-scary rides at Alton Towers and was not allowed into Nottingham Castle.
  • went to the Caribbean
  • swam with, and touched, some huge sea turtles in the clearest turquoise waters
  • flew in a really, really, REALLY small 5-seater airplane
  • ate kidneys on a stick and danced with my love in the street at the Friday night market in Castries
  • drank a lot of champagne in Londontown. Like, a lot a lot.  I may be banned from Lords Cricket Ground is all I’m saying.
  • Carried 5 overweight suitcases through Paddington Station, onto the Heathrow Express and through Heathrow Airport whilst drunk as a skunk.
  • Met Natasha Clark
  • Became a blogger for Getaway
  • Jumped off the highest bungee bridge jump IN THE WORLD
  • Started a new job
  • wrote and wrote and wrote every morning at 5am
  • Read this life-changing book
  • Learnt to toughen up and stop pleasing everyone at my own expense
  • Actively started saying and doing things with love every day (it takes a lot of discipline – also have realised that discipline is not a dirty word)
  • Acknowledged that if I’m going to be a writer, I have to remember that everything I think and write is up for acclaim, personal interpretation and criticism. BUT, as Annie Brookstone said so eloquently today: “I wrote what I know and purely for the love of it.  If people pushed their passions as hard as I do, no one would have to hate.
  • Started saying NO and taking time out for myself – to work on my goals and ultimately, my life dreams.  I WILL LEAVE THIS EARTH HAVING ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING AMAZING
  • Drank a lot of wine
  • Ate a lot of good food
  • Fell more and more in love with Andrew Bainborough with every passing moment.  I don’t know how he puts up with me but I am so thankful, every single day, that he does.


Thanks to my lovely Bryony for the image above.

With love xxx

life lately and into the night

  • My cousin had her third baby and laat lammetjie yesterday!  Michael Ross Symons was born at 8:32am and weighed in at 3.8kgs.  He is too cute.  It’s been a while since we’ve had a baby-baby in the family and I can’t wait to meet him. Congrats again Jen and Callum!
  • This is my first proper weekend off since Andrew’s birthday weekend (22 June).  So much has happened between then and now and I’m too keen to just chill the eff out. Except for the comedy show, trip to Durban, Sunday lunch and the family visit I have planned…. oops.
  • I started running or walking my dogs in the morning again this week.  It is so, so good to get back out on the (dirt) road.  Running really does keep me sane and makes me a far better person.  Please remind me of this if I ever sound stressed out or tired.  GO FOR A RUN, KERI.
  • Andrew bought a beautiful big bull last week and we have officially started our second herd of cattle.  He is settling in well, and started bonking from the moment we put him in with the ladies.  He is in teenage boy heaven right now.
  • I had my first wedding last weekend, where I felt I totally “owned” it.  I’m more comfortable in my job now, I know where everything is and how to fix certain things.  I love my boss(es) and my staff and things are just starting to settle down.  So I totally threw myself into last weekend’s wedding (Afrikaans bride, Aussie groom – let’s just say it was a crazy party and we ran out of brandy) and got beautiful big hugs from the newly-wedded couple in thanks. Nailed it.
  • I finally finished my article on Knysna for Getaway yesterday (after two long weeks of writing and editing pictures) and sent it in for review. Waiting in anticipation for it to be published.
  • Andrew and I are busy planning a skiing trip with some friends for February next year.  I have never skied or snowboarded before, and my track record with any kind of adventure sports is pretty bad (the first time I ever attempted to water-ski, I pulled my hamstrings – in BOTH legs) so my main concern in looking for a good place to stay is a warm, cosy bar nearby and a jacuzzi.
  • It’s Madiba’s birthday today.  I’ve been quiet on the whole fiasco surrounding his illness and hospital stay, purely because he deserves a little peace and quiet.  Whatever happens, he will always be THE BEST MAN TO EVER WALK THIS PLANET.
  • Also, my friend, Sam, sent me a link to her boyfriend Samuel Miller’s beautiful music video, Into The Night. Here’s a little musical loveliness to start off your weekend:

Isn’t his voice just so hauntingly beautiful? Samuel records, writes and mixes all his music himself (including playing ALL the instruments), just like all good musicians should. Take a listen. Fall in love.  He has just released an album called Lost Out Here – you can purchase it here.


Happy Friday slappers! Have a great one X

what knysna meant to me (in an oystershell)

So last week this little plaasjaapie (as Drizzle and Dip’s Sam Linsell has christened me), headed off on her first media trip for Getaway Magazine’s travel blog. I was Raising Men’s co-pilot in an exciting expedition which involved flying, jumping, marathon eating sessions, copious amounts of red bull, stormy-sea boating and a lot of body flinging into the great unknown.

Knysna 1 035Let’s get something straight. I am not one for hair-raising, last minute, pack-my-bag-and-go, “YOLO”* trips. Especially not solo ones (well, technically, Tash was with me, but we hadn’t really met each other before, so it could have gone either way). The longest I have been apart from Andrew in three years is the four days every year when he does his annual Quad 4 Quads trip. I am a home girl. I like my comforts, and I like knowing that things are where they are because that’s where they are supposed to be (panties – top drawer to the left; white wine – fridge, pretty much all over it; popcorn – in pantry , centre of middle shelf). Life is mapped out and I am a control freak. Nothing scares me more than somebody phoning me and saying that they’re coming for an out-of-the-blue visit and they’ll be at my front door in five minutes. Ha. Not if I run away before you get there. Spur of the moment is just not my thing.


Last week I was pushed out of the proverbial nest and forced to fly. Literally. Comfort zones were blown to smithereens and I felt very, very alive. Guys, I was suddenly a GETAWAY BLOGGER. Hanging out with fancy media people and really, REALLY great members of the blogosphere, such as Tash (writer of one of the best parenting blogs in the country), Shaina (Food24 writer and blogger at Milk and Cookies) and Sam Linsell (food blogger at Drizzle & Dip and author of her own cookbook). I attended wine and food festivals for free, was treated like royalty at every restaurant we went to, we even attracted a stalker, and guys, I had a media pass. A real media pass with a bright green lanyard. I am just a little pipkin of a blogger next to all the others whom were in attendance, and sometimes I had no idea what language they were speaking, but man, did I learn a lot from them.


Getaway and the organizers at the Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival made sure that we experienced every concievable thing you possibly can in the greater Knysna area. Not only did we attended festival-specific events such as the Knysna Wine Festival, The Pick ‘n Pay Flavours of Knysna, The Tabasco Oyster Shuckle and The Craft Beer Festival, but we were treated to all-year-round excursions and attractions, such as a trip to The Knysna Elephant Park, an aerial tree adventure course at Acrobranch Wildwoods, the Face Adrenaline Bungee Jump at Bloukrans, a boat cruise through the famous Knysna Heads and a very special tour of the Knysna Township.

IMG_5295I could write a blog post on every one of these adventures – and maybe I will. There will defintely be a blog dedicated to THE FOOD AND WINE.  There are so many stories and so many photographs. I will say now though that each and every day challenged me, humbled me and made very, very thankful for the life I have.

IMG_5097Being dwarved by an African elephant made me aware of my little human footprints. It made me aware that as humans, we are small, but powerful and that we can cause far greater harm than any other species on the planet. It is our legacy to change the world. I hope it’s for the better.

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Bouncing through the waves at the Knysna Heads in the rain made me appreciate the immense power of the sea. Knowing that numerous shipwrecks lay below the surface as a result of it being one of the most dangerous spots on the African coastline, forced me to put all my trust in our skipper. The rain blasting my face made me silent and fixed me right in the moment. Times goes slowly when we are uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean we should fight it. Sometimes we must accept what life hands us, sometimes the battle is not worth the war.

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Jumping off a bridge into the wide abyss taught me that you can master fear, and that most of the time we first need to give into it before we can conquer it.  It taught me that I am strong, that I AM brave and that no task, journey or experience is too immense to tackle head-on.


Being exposed to the sad stories of abused children and neglected dogs on the township tour taught me that the survival instinct is strong. Life can throw you the ugliest of surprises, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fight back, brush yourself off and put yourself back on your path. Asking for help does not mean that you lose your dignity. And offering help does not make you a saint; it makes you human – the best kind of human.

Knysna 1 077 Knysna 1 088 Knysna 1 097 I wish I could compress my experiences last week into a two minute video, plug it into your brain and let you feel what I felt, do what I did, see what I saw. I have come back with an itch. I want to see more. I want to do more. I want to build libraries and teach. I want to travel. I want to taste more. I want to make friends of strangers. I want to hang out with intelligent people whom I can learn from. I want to keep feeling alive and be a part of the bigger picture that is life – in all its beauty and ugliness. I fear the swan within the duckling has been awakened. And she is preparing to spread her wings and fly.


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* Just so we know, I frikkin’ HATE the term YOLO. But it worked in that sentence, and so I used it. I ain’t no urban dictionary snob.

PS: some of these images are mine, some of them are Natasha Clark’s (she did a good job of taking pics of me) and some are thanks to the team at Face Adrenaline.

a blogger competition and taking the leap

This weekend was my first solo wedding weekend.  My boss took the long weekend off and I held down the fort at Netherwood.  It was a pretty successful weekend – I survived the long hours, drunken wedding guest advances, the mandatory bumps and hiccups (such as searching in the dark in a spooky office on the other side of the farm at 9pm for a round two-point plug) and, thankfully, NOTHING BURNED DOWN.  In the midst of this long working weekend, something amazing happened.  It started on Friday, when Tash over at Raising Men tweeted about an awesome competition for bloggers with Getaway Magazine and the Knysna Oyster Festival.  I have always wanted to go to the Oyster Fest – you know how much I love oysters – I mean, my blog author image from the beginning of Midlands Musings was this one of me and a big plate of oysters (and champagne):


Tash had me at oyster, and so I hopped on over to theGetaway blog to take a look.  The prize looked absolutely amazing – five days accommodation, passes to wine and food festivals, oyster shucking, wine tastings, market visits…. oh, and a mandatory BUNGEE JUMP.  Case closed.  I’m so scared of heights that I’ve actually become accustomed to doing the walk of shame, though crowds of smirking kids, back down the stairs from the scariest waterslide at uShaka Marine World.  Laugh all you want, kids, I know my limits.  So I sent Tash this:

1Haha, Tash was gunning for a co-pilot from the beginning.  And I totally played along.




And so the banter on Twitter continued, until eventually I succummbed and entered.  With people like Natalie Roos, Natasha, Kirst from The Jolly Jammer and Kayli Vee all entering too, I knew I stood no chance.  But enter I did.

comp comment


The idea of the two of us going together escalated and soon we had support from some of our readers and fellow bloggers on Twitter saying they’d love to see us both go on the trip.  Even Miss Roos gave us her stamp of approval:


By Friday evening I was panicking and regretting my entry.  Just the thought of maybe winning and having to jump off Bloukrans was making me hyperventilate.  Tash reassured me that there was no way either of us would win and that they would definitely choose Natalie or Kayli.  On Saturday morning, I was pretty confident that there would be no bungee jumping happening in my future, so when Tash messaged me to say that SHE had in fact won, I was super happy for her, a little envious, I won’t lie, but mostly massively relieved that I would not have to jump off the world’s highest bridge anytime soon.

And then:


Heart stopped.  Sick to the stomach.  Sweating palms.


Somehow we Tash had convinced them to bring me along.  There was congratulations, well-wishes, lots of screeching and even a mention of a video…


So yes, in exactly two weeks, I will be heading off to Knysna with my favourite blogger for a girls’ week of oysters, wine, play and THE JUMP OF DEATH.  I’m dealing with this impending bungee jump thing the same way I deal with most things that scare the shit out of me: by ignoring it and focusing on the fun stuff instead (Hotel! Food! Wine! Travel! Tash!).  I will worry about it when I’m standing on the edge of that bridge.  I will close my eyes and pray that the adult diaper I’m wearing is tight enough.  And then I will jump.

Stay tuned for more information on our upcoming trip, our itinerary and all things Knysna Oyster Festivalish.  Hope to see you there in the first week of July!

Keep updated by following us on Twitter and Instagram and stay tuned to our blogs, as well as the Getaway blog, for more information, funny stories, a little wining and dining and probably a whole lot of screeching!

Tash – Twitter and Blog

Kez – Twitter, Blog (you’re on it, obviously) and Instagram

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Images: courtesy of Knysna Oyster Festival

brookdale health hydro

I’m not much of a spa snob, but if I had to describe Brookdale Health Hydro in three words it would be: the frikkin’ shiznizz.  Without me even saying anything these pictures should easily sway your opinion:

Zen-Garden Labyrinth Indoor-Pool-and-Jacuzzi guided-relaxation Deck yoga

I mean, the place has a labyrinth, people.  A LABYRINTH.

See?  I luuuuurrrrve labyrinths.

I was lucky enough to be treated to a sauna and fusion massage as a hen party slash birthday present from my lovely friend, Gemma Dawn:

You can totally tell she’s a health and lifestyle consultant, can’t you?  Yea, me neither.  I thought she was a garrdam rockstar!  Just too beautiful for words.

Anyway, I was super excited for my visit, as I have never, ever been to Brookdale for a treatment before.  As soon as you walk through the doors and into the reception, you just know you’re going to be looked after and treated like a princess.  A soothing foot bath welcomed me as I waited for my therapist, as well as a supply of fresh fruit, juices, water and herbal tea.  From the moment you enter Brookdale, you can honestly feel your spirit and mood beginning to change – you want to be healthy, pure, peaceful. You want to be the best version of you.  This is a feeling I love, and if I could have moved into one of their rooms right there and then (with my man and dogs and cat, obviously) I would have stayed forever.  After my sauna (I managed twenty minutes and came out feeling totally brilliant and toxin-free), I was collected by the loveliest little therapist and taken to a treatment room for my fusion massage – which is a combination massage focusing on the back, scalp, and feet.  For an hour.  Absolute heaven.  It took me to that blissful planet of rainbows and unicorns, and quite simply, I did not want it to end.  But alas, as all good things do, end it did.  Luckily all was not over yet, as Gemma treated me to a guided tour around the health hydro, the gym, the pool, the exercise studios and the rooms.  The tour just further convinced me of the absolute necessity to visit the health hydro for a proper stay – a full 3 or 6 night package is offered with awesome things like yoga classes, lifestyle lectures and beauty treatments included. KEEN. AS. MUSTARD.  The entire place is a haven of peace and tranquility and the thought of staying for 3 or 5 days of soultime… I get a lady boner just thinking about it.  I would take with me all the books I’ve been meaning to read for months, as well as my journal and just be.  Sigh.  Soon.  Hopefully hubby is reading this and wondering what to treat me to next… :)

Thanks to Gemma and the lovely staff at Brookdale for an amazing visit – hopefully will see you soon for a longer stay!  Visit Brookdale’s website here to view the day spa and health hydro packages and follow them on Facebook for news and specials.

Images: source